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10.01.2015 Legal News

31 Tips for 31 Days - National Cybersecurity Awareness Month

President Obama and the Department of Homeland Security, in coordination with the National Cyber Security Alliance, have designated October as National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. The goal is to raise awareness about cybersecurity and increase the resiliency of the nation in the event of a cyber-incident. In support of this campaign, check out our Williams Mullen “Cybersecurity Tip of the Day” throughout the month of October.

No business is immune today. Williams Mullen’s Data Protection & Cybersecurity team provides these tips to help educate and inform your company on how to protect your business from a cyber-attack and how to respond should an attack occur. Throughout the month, these tips will provide insight on cybersecurity issues relating to government contractors, health care organizations, data collection in the European Union and more.

Click here to download the full month’s tips and share with others.