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insightClick on the button below for a full PDF of the Environmental Newsletter. View PDF
insightOn this episode of Williams Mullen's Benefits Companion, Brydon DeWitt is joined by special guest CPA Scott Bailey, Jr., a partner at Carr, Riggs & Ingram. They discuss captive insurance arrangement strategies. Listen to the episode below.
insightGenerators of hazardous waste risk triggering comprehensive hazardous waste storage permit requirements when unplanned events cause hazardous waste generated onsite to exceed maximum limits for very small quantity generators (VSQG) or small quantity generators (SQG).
insightSome companies subjected to environmental enforcement or cleanup actions may believe others should take the blame or share in the costs.
insightThis summer brought typical thunderstorms, but it also brought a shower of new and changed requirements for construction activities as part of the recently renewed regulation for the General VPDES Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities (“Construction General Permit”).
insightPart of EPA’s FY 2018-2022 Strategic Plan is an emphasis on cooperative federalism in the compliance and enforcement process, with the goal being that states authorized, delegated, or approved to implement federal environmental programs take the lead in enforcing those programs.
insightRecently, the use of coal has been most highlighted in the power production industry, although coal has been used for generations in many industries.
insightEPA recently issued a guidance document (the “Guidance”) that supersedes and clarifies its 2003 guidance on what prospective purchasers of real estate must do to qualify for one of CERCLA’s three landowner liability protections (“LLPs”).
insightCongratulations to attorney Jenny Connors on being named to Style Weekly's 2019 Top 40 Under 40.
insightEPA recently published a proposed federal rule (“Proposed Rule”) aimed at limiting the authority of states to deny certifications of compliance with state water quality requirements under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act (CWA).