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    In the June 2019 edition of Virginia Town & City, the official publication of the Virginia Municipal League, Bob Perrow and John Walker answered questions in a Q&A about Virginia's municipal net metering pilot program, which became available on July 1, 2019.
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    Click on the button below for a full PDF of the Environmental Newsletter. View PDF
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    In July 2019, the American Bankruptcy Institute's ABI Journal published an article co-written by Jennifer McLemore titled "In re First River Energy LLC: The Agent vs. the Producers."
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    On this edition of Williams Mullen's GovCon Perspectives podcast, Kevin Pomfret is joined by two special guests from Quantive — Dan Doran, founder, and Bob Moskal, managing director. Quantive is a financial services firm that helps entrepreneurs in a range of matters related to corporate value: business valuation, value growth, and M&A advisory.
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    With the potential to positively impact almost 300,000 Indian nationals living in the U.S. who are waiting for green cards (and to a somewhat lesser extent, Chinese nationals who are also waiting for green cards), the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Fairness For High-Skilled Immigrants Act, otherwise known as HR 1044, by a vote of 365-65 on Wednesday, July 10, 2019 (the “Act”).  The vote tally in the House indicates strong bipartisan support; however, it is uncertain how the Act will be received in the Senate where similar companion bills are also being considered.
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    On July 10, 2019, the Patent Trial and Appeal Board designated as precedential Focal Therapeutics, Inc. v. Senorx, Inc., IPR2014-00116, Paper 19 (PTAB, July 21, 2014), which concerned the rules governing depositions in the context of an inter partes review proceeding.
  • people
    Amanda Bird-Johnson represents clients in complex commercial litigation matters at the state and federal levels, including regulatory proceedings, investigations and administrative matters. She counsels businesses and individuals on litigation-avoidance strategies, prepares clients for the litigation process and navigates legal issues alongside clients to help find solutions and achieve results.
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    In the ever-increasing effort to control nutrient (phosphorous and nitrogen) loads into the Chesapeake Bay watershed, Virginia and other Bay states are looking for additional means to ratchet down nutrient-laden stormwater discharges.  Driven in large part by EPA’s Chesapeake Bay TMDL Rule (“Bay TMDL”) setting allowable nutrient and sediment load limitations for the Bay and its tributaries, this effort so far has been focused on traditional sources of nutrients and sedimentation in stormwater discharges, such as municipal separate storm sewer systems, real estate development projects, municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants, confined animal feeding operations, and agricultural operations.
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    A case currently pending before the United States Supreme Court may significantly impact legal rights of potentially responsible parties (PRPs) involved in the cleanup of Superfund Sites.  The case was brought in Montana State Court by owners of properties near the Anaconda Smelter Superfund Site near Opportunity, Montana.
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    Working with an environmental lawyer and an environmental consultant, often a hydrogeologist or an engineer, does not have to shorten your life span.  Both professionals add value to a challenging environmental problem.  The trick is to understand how to get the most from their collective knowledge on a project.  We have some suggestions: