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    Many estate planning provisions of the Internal Revenue Code contain brackets, exemptions, exclusions, deductions, or other figures that are adjusted annually for inflation. Every year around this time, the IRS releases these figures for use during the upcoming year. That tradition continues with Revenue Procedure 2016-55.
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    The cover story for the November 2016 issue of Virginia Business magazine discusses the rise of the drone industry in Virginia. Williams Mullen attorneys Kevin Pomfret, Bob Korroch and Patrick Cushing were quoted in the article.
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    The Commissioner of Internal Revenue announced the 2017 dollar limitations for benefits and contributions that apply to retirement and cafeteria plans. Some limits have increased while others remained the same. 
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    According to the Ponemon Institute, almost all health care providers and other “covered entities” will experience a data breach.  If protected health information is compromised by the breach, the entity would be required to report the breach under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 and its implementing regulations (“HIPAA”).  HIPAA’s breach notification structure requires reporting to the individual whose record was affected, the Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) and/or the media.  HHS recognizes a difference between “larger” breaches, or those affecting 500 or more individuals, and “smaller” breaches, or those affecting fewer than 500.
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    Congratulations to Ryan Kenrick on being named to Inside Business' 2016 Top 40 Under 40 list. This award recognizes individuals in the Hampton Roads area under the age of 40 for their professional and community service.
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    In our 2014-2015 Update we reported on the decision issued by the North Carolina Court of Appeals in Duke Energy, LLC v. Gray, 766 S.E.2d 354 (N.C. Ct. App. Dec. 2, 2014) where it was held that an action by Duke Power to remove an encroachment from its power line easement was subject to the six year statute of limitations applicable to claims for injuries to incorporeal hereditaments, N.C. Gen. Stat. § 1-50(a)(3). 
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    The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (“CMS”) this week released its long-awaited nursing facility “Mega-Rule,” the most comprehensive revision of CMS’s requirements for nursing homes since 1991.
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    When seeking a qualified candidate for an open position, Human Resources professionals are aware that it is generally impermissible to inquire about or consider an applicant’s race, sex, religion, or disability during the interview and application process.  However, many Human Resources professionals may be unaware that certain questions regarding an individual’s citizenship or immigration status are also prohibited and may expose an employer to liability.
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    Earlier this year, EPA announced revised National Enforcement Initiatives (“NEIs”) beginning October 1, 2016 for fiscal years 2017-2019.  Among other areas of concentration, EPA’s NEIs include the expansion of a previous air quality enforcement initiative focused on reducing air pollution from large sources.  With a renewed and expanded emphasis on pursuing enforcement for air emission violations, EPA quickly showed the industrial community the new NEIs are not simply agency rhetoric. 
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    Virginia’s Department of Environmental Quality (“DEQ”) plans to amend key portions of its enforcement manual (the “Manual”).  The Manual details key enforcement policies of the agency and is used by DEQ to guide almost every aspect of its enforcement functions for a variety of programs, including air pollution, wastewater and stormwater discharges, wetlands, and waste management.